Author: techfox9

CISSP Resources ..

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008 @ 12:05 am

Ch. 1 – Access Control
Ch. 2 – Telecommunications and Network Security
Ch. 3 – Security Management and Practices
Ch. 4 – Applications and Systems Development Security
Ch. 5 – Cryptography
Ch. 6 – Security Architecture and Models
Ch. 7 – Operations Security
Ch. 8 – Bus Cont Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery
Ch. 9 – Law, Investigation, and Ethics
Ch. 10 – Physical Security



* tcpdump, a tool for capturing and dumping packets for further analysis, and WinDump, the Windows port of tcpdump.
* Wireshark (formerly Ethereal), a graphical packet-capture and protocol-analysis tool.
* Snort, a network-intrusion-detection system.
* ssldump, an SSLv3/TLS analyzer. It decodes SSL records and displays them to stdout.
* Nmap, a port-scanning and fingerprinting network utility
* the Bro IDS and network-monitoring platform.
* justniffer, a tcp/http packet sniffer. It can log network traffic in a ‘standard’ (web server like) or in a customized way.
* URL Snooper, locate the URLs of audio and video files so that they can be recorded.
* Kismet, for 802.11 wireless LANs
* L0phtCrack, a password auditing and recovery application.
* NetworkMiner, a network forensic tool that extracts transferred files and identifies operating systems.
* Xplico, open source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT).
* iftop, a tool for displaying bandwidth usage (like top for network traffic)
* EtherApe, a graphical tool for monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time.
* Bit-Twist, a libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator and editor for BSD, Linux, and Windows.


* Tripwire
* Backtrack

CISSP, Security


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