Archive for the 'cvs' Category


cvs administration with pserver notes..

Jun 26, 2009 in Config Manage, cvs

To check for cvs with pserver configuration:

  • – Check that xinetd is installed
  • – Check file /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver
    It should look like this:

    service cvspserver
    port = 2401
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    wait = no
    user = root
    passenv = PATH
    server = /usr/local/bin/cvs
    server_args = -f –allow-root=/opt/cvs pserver

  • – Check that cvsnt is where the xinetd file (above) says it is
    (/usr/local/bin/cvs in this example)
  • – Check the cvs path (/opt/cvs in this example)
  • $ telnet cvsserver 2401 (or whatever port is specified in /etc/xinet.d/cvspserver file)
  • – Check the cvs passwd file in /opt/cvs/cvsroot folder.
    It should have an entry for the user.
  • – If the user is not in the cvs passwd file (in example: /opt/cvs/cvsroot/passwd)
    add the user with:

    $ cvs passwd -a user (it will ask for a password)

See for more info.

Get the list of files in cvs commits..

Jul 12, 2008 in Config Manage, cvs

To get the list of files included in
a particular cvs commit use this:

cvs -q log -SR -r@{commitid}

To get the list of files changed between
tags use this:

cvs -q rdiff -s -r TAG1 [-r TAG2] module

If TAG2 is omitted, the current version is used.

To get a list of files changed since “date”:

cvs history -c -a -D [date]

where [date] can be 2008-12-19 or 12/19/2008