Archive for November, 2011


PostgreSQL list of triggers ..

Nov 21, 2011 in Database, PostgreSQL

SELECT relname, tgname, usename 
 FROM ( 
     pg_trigger JOIN pg_class ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) 
               JOIN pg_proc ON (tgfoid = pg_proc.oid) 
               JOIN pg_user ON (relowner = pg_user.usesysid) 
WHERE tgisinternal = FALSE [ and usename = 'user' ]

Href for JavaScript links: “#” or “javascript:void(0)”?

Nov 06, 2011 in javascript


When building a link that has the sole purpose to run JavaScript code, is it better to

<a href="#" onclick="myJsFunc();">Link</a>


<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="myJsFunc();">Link</a>


Upgrade / Install VEGAn Gingerbread on Viewsonic gtablet

Nov 02, 2011 in Android, Google

— This site is VERY useful :

— Rooting (rooted android) with ClockworkMod info here:

and here:

— The installation of ClockworkMod from sdcard did not work.

When I booted the tablet in recovery mode, it was stuck at 3 parrots.

— The next 2 steps (NVFlash and ROM installation) require a Windows driver to be
installed (from On Windows 7 (Windows7, Win7) the Device panel
looks like this:

APX USB Driver

— Installed NVFlash, followed the info here:

— Than, I tried to install the ROM with info from here:

Using this download .. (107300001 bytes)

From here:

When I ran the install from cwm, I got this error:

>> assert failed: getprop(“ro.product.device) == “harmony” || getprop(“”)

I found this comment, applied the fix to the script and re-zipped the folder..

>> I just extracted the META-INFO/com/google/updater-script, removed the first two lines, and replaced it. Then it installed correctly.

Well, the comment above was not exactly right.. it installed without
an error but it never booted.. was stuck at 3 parrots..

— I revisited the page and noticed a 7.1 — with the assert fixed! (111426199)

From here:

(Easy to miss on the page.. search the page for “Direct Download for BOOTLOADER” ..)

— Installed it and it works great!