Archive for the 'Software' Category


Extreme programming..

Jun 10, 2009 in Engineering, Software

Finally! A methodology that makes sense to me!

Basic rules:

* Make frequent small releases.

* The project is divided into iterations.

* Move people around.

* No functionality is added early.

* Refactor whenever and wherever possible.

* The customer is always available.

* Write/Code the unit test first (with stubs).

* Integrate often.

* Leave optimization till last.

* All code must have and must pass unit tests.

* When a bug is found, unit tests are created.

* No overtime.

* Code must be written to agreed standards.

Interface vs Abstract Class ..

Apr 23, 2009 in Engineering, Java, JavaUsage, Software

  • — Inheritance from anything (including abstract)
    should be a function of the business model.
  • — If a class does not _really_ inherit from
    an abstract, one should not use it.
  • — Use interface to avoid the problem of multiple
  • — Use interface to improve modularity.. if one
    uses an abstract class and the class changes,
    it may break subclasses.
    (not method signatures but logic/code.. changing
    method signatures is a problem for both abstract
    and interface)
  • — Use interfaces when some part of the design
    will change frequently.
  • — Interface for plug-in architectures – like
    the strategy pattern.
  • — Use abstract class to provide basic services
    for derived classes (event, message handling)
  • — In favor of abstract class:
    • — interfaces may be more difficult to read in
      code logic.
    • — interfaces are somewhat slower due to

gnu make pattern ..

Feb 12, 2009 in Software

Make multiple sources into targets..

.SUFFIXES: .htm .htmt

SRCS := $(wildcard *.htmt)
TARGS := $(patsubst %.htmt, %.htm, ${SRCS})

all : $(TARGS)
	echo "-- done --"

%.htm : %.htmt
	cpp $< | egrep -v '^\#' > $@

Design Patterns with Java – Summary ..

Feb 10, 2009 in Engineering, Software


  • Design patterns describe how objects communicate without becoming
    entangled in each other’s data models and methods.
    In other words, they describe methods for keeping objects decoupled.
  • Program to an interface and not to an implementation.
  • Favor object composition over inheritance.

Creational Patterns

All of the creational patterns deal with the best way to create
instances of objects. This is important because your program should not
depend on how objects are created and arranged.

  • The Factory Method provides a simple decision making class that
    returns one of several possible subclasses of an abstract base class
    depending on the data that are provided.
  • The Builder Pattern separates the construction of a
    complex object from its representation, so that several different
    representations can be created depending on the needs of the
  • The Singleton Pattern is a class of which there can be no more
    than one instance. It provides a single global point of access to that

Structural Patterns

Structural patterns describe how classes and objects can be combined
to form larger structures. The difference between class patterns and object
patterns is that class patterns describe how inheritance can be used to provide
more useful program interfaces. Object patterns, on the other hand, describe
how objects can be composed into larger structures using object composition,
or the inclusion of objects within other objects.

  • The Adapter pattern is used to convert the programming interface of
    one class into that of another. The source interface is different than the target.
  • The Decorator pattern provides us with a way to modify the behavior
    of individual objects without having to create a new derived class.
    i.e. Add features to a class without inheritance and at runtime.
  • The Façade pattern allows one to simplify complexity by
    providing a simplified interface to complex subsystems.
    i.e. It is an aggregation mechanism.
  • The Flyweight design pattern provides an approach for handling
    many small objects (like characters in a font, for example).
  • The Proxy pattern is used when you need to represent a complex
    object by a simpler one. Used to interface to expensive-to-create
    objects. The source interface side of a proxy is the same as the
    target class (see Adapter).

Behavioral Patterns (page 129)

Behavioral patterns are those patterns that are most specifically
concerned with communication between objects.

  • The Observer pattern defines the way a number of classes can be notified
    of a change. i.e. subscribe and publish.
  • The Strategy pattern encapsulates an algorithm inside a class.
  • The Iterator pattern formalizes the way we move through a list
    or collection of data within a class using a standard interface.
    Enumerators are read-only Iterators.
  • Observer pattern..
  • MVC – Revisit:
  • The Strategy pattern
  • Visitor – revisit:

Hudson continous integration server notes ..

Nov 20, 2008 in Apache, Config Manage

Fastest way to plug tomcat into apache httpd..

Change apache2.conf, add:

<Location /your_tomcat_app>
  ProxyPass ajp://your_host:8009/your_tomcat_app
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all

More notes on Hudson here:

Hudson is here:

Software development methodologies notes..

Aug 26, 2008 in Engineering, Software


  • 3.1 Waterfall model
    .. is a sequential development process, in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation), integration, and maintenance.
  • 3.2 Prototyping
    .. is the framework of activities during software development of creating prototypes, i.e., incomplete versions of the software program being developed.
    .. Not a standalone, complete development methodology, but rather an approach to handling selected portions of a larger, more traditional development methodology (i.e. Incremental, Spiral, or Rapid Application Development (RAD)).
  • 3.3 Incremental
  • 3.4 Spiral
  • 3.5 Rapid Application Development (RAD)
    .. is a software development methodology, which involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes.
    .. Key emphasis is on fulfilling the business need, while technological or engineering excellence is of lesser importance.

Design Patterns – Singleton pattern (Creational) basic example..

Jul 12, 2008 in Engineering, Software

Pattern used to manage resources when a single instance of one is required
to coordinate actions across an application.


The simplest way:

public class Singleton {
   private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
   // Private constructor prevents instantiation from other classes
   private Singleton() {}
   public static Singleton getInstance() {
      return INSTANCE;

The ‘lazy loading’ way.. by Bill Pugh (static code analysis with FindBugs and more..)

public class Singleton {
   // Private constructor prevents instantiation from other classes
   private Singleton() {}
    * SingletonHolder is loaded on the first execution of Singleton.getInstance() 
    * or the first access to SingletonHolder.INSTANCE, not before. (lazy!)
   private static class SingletonHolder { 
     private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
   public static Singleton getInstance() {
     return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;

Get the list of files in cvs commits..

Jul 12, 2008 in Config Manage, cvs

To get the list of files included in
a particular cvs commit use this:

cvs -q log -SR -r@{commitid}

To get the list of files changed between
tags use this:

cvs -q rdiff -s -r TAG1 [-r TAG2] module

If TAG2 is omitted, the current version is used.

To get a list of files changed since “date”:

cvs history -c -a -D [date]

where [date] can be 2008-12-19 or 12/19/2008

Design Patterns – Factory pattern (Creational) basic example..

Jun 20, 2008 in Engineering, Software

This pattern allows the application to defer to runtime the decision of which
object from a related set to instantiate .


abstract class Pizza {
    public abstract double getPrice();
class HamAndMushroomPizza extends Pizza {
    public double getPrice() {
        return 8.5;
class DeluxePizza extends Pizza {
    public double getPrice() {
        return 10.5;
class HawaiianPizza extends Pizza {
    public double getPrice() {
        return 11.5;
class PizzaFactory {
    public enum PizzaType {
    public static Pizza createPizza(PizzaType pizzaType) {
        switch (pizzaType) {
            case HamMushroom:
                return new HamAndMushroomPizza();
            case Deluxe:
                return new DeluxePizza();
            case Hawaiian:
                return new HawaiianPizza();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The pizza type " + pizzaType + " is not recognized.");
class PizzaLover {
     * Create all available pizzas and print their prices
    public static void main (String args[]) {
        for (PizzaFactory.PizzaType pizzaType : PizzaFactory.PizzaType.values()) {
            System.out.println("Price of " + pizzaType + " is " + PizzaFactory.createPizza(pizzaType).getPrice());

Design Patterns – Observer pattern (Behavioral) basic example..

May 25, 2007 in Engineering, Software

This is a (simplified) example from Vince Huston’s patterns pages. The part I found really neat is the self-registration methodology of observers.. normally, I expected the Subject to have an ‘add()’ method for observers.. this is a bit different.. nice..


// From Vince Huston's site..

class ObserverEx {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Subject subj = new Subject();
        // Self-Register observers.. nice..
        new SomeObserver( subj );
        new OtherObserver( subj );
        // Do something to the subject..

class Subject {
    private Observer[] observers = new Observer[9];
    private int        numObs  = 0;

    public void attach( Observer o ) {
        observers[numObs++] = o;

    private void notifyObservers() {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < numObs; ix++) {


abstract class Observer {
    protected Subject subj;
    public abstract void update();
    public Observer( Subject subj ) {
        this.subj = subj;

class SomeObserver extends Observer {
    public SomeObserver( Subject s ) {
        super( s );

    public void update() {
        // Update from Subject..

class OtherObserver extends Observer {
    public OtherObserver( Subject s ) {
        super( s );

    public void update() {
        // Update from Subject..